Call Jamie Opielski (210) 658-5761 ext.2 or email for more information.
Universal City United Methodist Church

Kids' Day Out

Where kids are loved!

Copyright 2021. UCUMC KIDS DAY OUT. All rights reserved.

Themes and special events we follow throughout the year


I am special, all about me

my family is special



Families at work



Begin community helpers

Fire prevention week - Universal City Firefighters come visit our students

Halloween - real and pretend

Halloween snack party



Pilgrims, Native Americans 

Fall Leaves


What it means to be thankful

Thanksgiving Feast- The children enjoy a Thanksgiving feast with their friends


Jesus Birthday

Gift giving/receiving (we focus on giving)

Santa, reindeer

Pajama Day, Christmas snack party

Santa visits our classrooms and gives books to the children



Polar animals

Dental health - A dentist will visit the classrooms and talk to the children


Valentine's - Love and sharing

We share valentines and have our snack party

President's Day

Texas Heritage/Cowboy Brunch- We ejoy a 'cowboy lunch' of pancakes, sausage & more!



Farm/Farm Animals

Spring Break

Transportation Day - Our parking lot will be full of all kinds of vehicles for the classes to see and touch. The children love it! If you have anything you would like to bring come tell us about it!


Week of the young child - Children around the world

Easter, why we have Easter

Easter egg hunt, snack party

We have our KDO Art Show that we have worked hard on all year.  We save some of the children's art work on display.  They are all so proud to show their parents.  We return all the artwork after the show.  Bring your cameras!

Fiesta - KDO will furnish piƱatas for the children during fiesta. We will enjoy a Fiesta lunch of quesadillas, nachos and more!  


Water play day - We will set up the court yard as a water park with games, bubbles, play dough, paint, shells, paper, colors- so many fun centers!  Everyone looks forward to Water Play Day!

Class pizza parties

Dance party

Movie day

End of year snack party